Flutter store front

Initial Setups :

Step 1 - Unzip your file and open it with your desired ide and then go to your projects terminal and type

Flutter pub get and then follow the steps given below.

Step 2 - Navigate to project folder → lib → core → providers → config.dart after that ,

Step 3 - Place your baseurl in baseURL = “”; (for eg : “http://localhost:9000/api/”)

Step 4 - Place your imageurl in imageURL = ””; (for eg : “http://localhost:9000/api/media/image-resize”)

Run your application :

  • You can test your application in debug mode by using android emulator or your mobile phone

  • For running your application in your respective emulator or mobile phones run the following command Flutter run –no-sound-null-safety or Use run without debugging option.

Last updated