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Fetch the list of all available seller price groups.
Limit the number of price groups to fetch
Skip the first 'n' number of price groups
Count the number of price groups available
Creates a new seller price group with associated buyers, products, and schedules.
Name of the price group
Description of the price group
Indicates whether this is the default price group (0 or 1)
Status of the price group (1 for active, 0 for inactive)
Comma-separated list of buyer IDs to be added
Comma-separated list of buyer IDs to be removed
Comma-separated list of buyer group IDs to be added
Comma-separated list of buyer group IDs to be removed
JSON string of product details to be created
JSON string of price group schedules to be created
Comma-separated list of product group detail IDs to be removed
Fetch details of a product based on its SKU.
The SKU of the product
Retrieve the list of vendor customer groups.
The number of records to retrieve.
The number of records to skip.
Search keyword to filter the customer group list.
Retrieve the list of customers under a vendor customer group.
The number of records to retrieve.
The number of records to skip.
Search keyword to filter the customer list.
Updates an existing seller price group with new details, schedules, and settings.
The ID of the price group to be updated
Name of the price group
Description of the price group
Indicates whether this is the default price group (0 or 1)
Status of the price group (1 for active, 0 for inactive)
Comma-separated list of buyer IDs to be added
Comma-separated list of buyer IDs to be removed
Comma-separated list of buyer group IDs to be added
Comma-separated list of buyer group IDs to be removed
JSON string of product details to be created
JSON string of price group schedules to be created
Comma-separated list of product group detail IDs to be removed
Deletes a specific seller price group based on the given ID.
The ID of the price group to be deleted