step 6: you can easily install vendor storefront withstore setup. spurtcommerce provides 3 vendor storefronts, built with Angular,Flutter andReact.
About Addon :
The installation of Spurtcommerce Rating and Review Plugin helps to display the aggregate rating and review for products in the store. When this plugin is installed, the eCommerce site becomes ready for the Customers to post review about the product that they have purchased from the eCommerce store.
The Customer can provide a star rating.
The Customer can also add a comment along with the star rating.
Vendors and Admin can moderate the reviews.
Display of Reviews on the Storefront.
Display of number of 5 stars, 4 stars, 3 stars, 2 stars and 1s star ratings
For setting up the API, you need to execute the following steps:
Installing an extension
Run the application
Make the build
Step 1 : Installing an extension
These are the steps that need to be executed for installation of the extension.
Usually spurcommerce comes packed in a zip, whose name ends in "". Extract the zip file, open api folder and open addon folder within that and copy the content of addon folder into the specified path.
Path - <PROJECT_ROOT>/addon
Step 2 : Run the application
After you have completed the installation of the above mentioned steps, you can run the application and also view the changes.
$ npm start serve
Once you execute the above command, add-on file will get integrated into the backend API.
Step 3 : Make the build
These are the steps that need to be followed for generating the build.
To run the below command
$ npm run build
Then latest built files can be deployed into the server.
After the installation of the extension, you will have to update certain configurations into the default Spurtcommerce config files. For this, you need to follow the steps below.
Update Reducer Config
1) Import below line into the add-ons/add-ons-reducer.ts
import * as fromRatingReview from
These are the steps that need to be followed to do the front end store setup.
Installing an extension
Update the configuration
Module Detail
Run the application
Make the build
Step 1 : Installing an extension
These are the steps that need to be executed for installation of the extension.
Usually spurcommerce comes packed in a zip, whose name ends in "ratingand".
Extract the zip file and copy the content of store-angular/add-ons folder into the specified path
Path - store-angular/add-ons
Step 2 : Update the configuration
After the installation of the extension, you will have to update certain configurations into the default Spurtcommerce config files. For this, you need to follow the steps below.
Update Reducer Config
Import below line into the add-ons/add-ons-reducer.ts
import * as fromRatingReview from
Import below line into the add-ons/add-ons.shared.component.ts
import {RatingComponent} from './RatingAndReview/template/rating/rating.component';
import { ReviewControlsComponent } from './RatingAndReview/template/review-controls/review-controls.component';
import {ReviewComponent} from './RatingAndReview/template/review/review.component';
Add the following components into the below object
After you have integrated the Rating and Review Module into Spurtcommerce, you can use the following command to run the application.
ng serve
Once you execute the above command you can view the installed module in Spurtcommerce, within the page in which you have integrated.
Step 5 : Make the build
To run the below command
ng build –prod
Then the latest built files can be deployed into the server.
These are the steps that need to be followed to do the front end store setup.
Installing an extension
Update the configuration
Module Detail
Run the Application
Make the build
Step 1 : Installing an extension
These are the steps that need to be executed for installation of the extension.
Extract the store-flutter folder inside the folder go to (store-fluter → add-ons → RatingAndReview folder) and copy the RatingAndReview folder and place the copied folder
inside the project folder
Add on location:
After placing it it will look like this
Once you finish these steps continue to the next step
Step 2 : Update the configuration
After extracting the add on zip file for changing the configurations in addons.dart, you have to follow the steps below:
Go to
Then inside addonsShared array paste the following content
{"Rating": SpurtReviews(), "data":""},
After placing the above files it will look like this
List addonsShared = [ {"Rating": SpurtReviews(), "data":""},
If you want to post your rating and feedback for your ordered products add the below line where you feel free in projectFolder->lib->core->modules->order->components->orderdetails.dart
After insert the line restart your application and post your ordered products rating and feedback
Step 4 : Run the application
After integrating the Rating and Review Module into Spurt Commerce, you can use the following commands to run the application in terminal.
$ flutter run
Or In Run menu select run without debugging
In case if throws any exception
$ flutter run –no-sound-null-safety
Once you execute the above command you can view the installed module in Spurt Commerce, within the page in which you have integrated
Step 5 : Make the build
In order to build, you need to run the following commands. In order to check the application, run the following commands and build the application.
$flutter build
If you want to split the abi then
$flutter build –split-per-abi
For bundle build
$flutter build appbundle
These are the steps that need to be followed to do the front end store setup.
Installing an extension
Update the configuration
Run the application
Make the build
Step 1 : Installing an extension
These are the steps that need to be executed for installation of the extension.
Usually spurcommerce comes packed in a zip, whose name ends in "ratingand". Extract the zip file and copy the content of store-react/addOns folder into the specified path as given below
Path - addOns/RatingAndReview
Add on location:
projectFolder-> addOns
After placing it it will look like this
projectFolder->addOns-> RatingAndReview
Step 2 : Update the configuration
After the installation of the extension, you will have to update certain configurations into the default Spurtcommerce addonsconfig.js files. For this, you need to follow the steps below.
Once you finish the first Step now declare the necessary plugins in the addonconfig.js file
Import below line into the addonconfig.js
Import SpurtRatingAndReview from './RatingAndReview/ReviewRating'
Add the ReviewRation plugin into the below object
export const AddonsComponent={
Add the following component into the below AddonsComponent object:
Import SpurtRatingAndReview from './RatingAndReview/ReviewRating'
import SpurtPartialReviews from './RatingAndReview/PartialReview'
import SpurtRatingAndReviewFeedback from './RatingAndReview/RatingAndReviewFeedback'
After adding its looks like below:
export const AddonsComponent={
SpurtRatingAndReview ,
Step 3 : Module Detail
The modules pertaining to ratings and reviews plugin are listed below. You may use these modules, you must send the product to use this module in any page of Spurtcommerce.
These are the steps that need to be followed to do the front end vendor setup.
Installing an extension
Update the configuration
Module Detail
Run the application
Make the build
Step 1 : Installing an extension
These are the steps that need to be executed for installation of the extension.
Usually spurcommerce comes packed in a zip, whose name ends in "".
Extract the zip file and copy the content vendor/add-ons folder into the specified path
Path - vendor/add-ons
Step 2 : Update the configuration add-ons/add-ons-reducer.ts
After the installation of the extension, you will have to update certain configurations into the default Spurtcommerce config files. For this, you need to follow the steps below.
Update Reducer Config
Import below line into the add-ons/add-ons-reducer.ts
import * as fromRatingReview from
These are the steps that need to be followed to do the front end store setup.
Installing an extension
Update the configuration
Module Detail
Run the application
Make the build
Step 1 : Installing an extension
These are the steps that need to be executed for installation of the extension.
Usually spurcommerce comes packed in a zip, whose name ends in "ratingand".
Extract the zip file and copy the content of store-angular/add-ons folder into the specified path
Path - store-angular/add-ons
Step 2 : Update the configuration
After the installation of the extension, you will have to update certain configurations into the default Spurtcommerce config files. For this, you need to follow the steps below.
Update Reducer Config
Import below line into the add-ons/add-ons-reducer.ts
import * as fromVendorRatingReview from
After insert the line restart your application and post your ordered products rating and feedback
Step 4 : Run the application
After integrating the Rating and Review Module into Spurt Commerce, you can use the following commands to run the application in terminal.
$ flutter run
Or In Run menu select run without debugging
In case if throws any exception
$ flutter run –no-sound-null-safety
Once you execute the above command you can view the installed module in Spurt Commerce, within the page in which you have integrated
Step 5 : Make the build
In order to build, you need to run the following commands. In order to check the application, run the following commands and build the application.
$flutter build
If you want to split the abi then
$flutter build –split-per-abi
For bundle build
$flutter build appbundle
These are the steps that need to be followed to do the front end store setup.
Installing an extension
Update the configuration
Run the application
Make the build
Step 1 : Installing an extension
These are the steps that need to be executed for installation of the extension.
Usually spurcommerce comes packed in a zip, whose name ends in "ratingand". Extract the zip file and copy the content of store folder into the specified path as given below
Move RatingAndReview folder from addOns/RatingAndReview to
Path - <PROJECT_ROOT>/addOns
Add on location:
projectFolder-> addOns
After placing it it will look like this
projectFolder->addOns-> RatingAndReview
Step 2 : Update the configuration
After the installation of the extension, you will have to update certain configurations into the default Spurtcommerce addonsconfig.js files. For this, you need to follow the steps below.
Once you finish the first Step now declare the necessary plugins in the addonconfig.js file
Import below line into the addonconfig.js
import SpurtVendorRatingReviews from
import SpurtvendorRatingAndReviewCount from './VendorRatingAndReview/vendorRatingAndReviewCount'
2. Add the VendorRatingReviews into the below object
export const AddonsComponent={
Step 3 : Module Detail
The modules pertaining to VendorRating are listed below. You may use these modules, in any page of Spurtcommerce.