Set up development environment

This document will guide you to set up your development environment to efficiently and properly use Spurtcommerce.

To set up development environment ready for Spurtcommerce you need to install the following tools

Nodejs Installation

To install Node.js, use the following command. This command will automatically update the package list and install Node.js on your system.

sudo apt-get install nodejs

To install Node.js packages, use the following command

npm install

Apache Installation

Spurtcommerce deployment requires one of the web servers. We recommend using Apache. By using the following commands, you can set up the Apache in your server.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install apache2

Spurtcommerce deployment requires some additional apache modules that needs to be enabled. Using the following commands, you can enable those additional modules.

sudo a2enmod proxy | sudo a2enmod proxy_http | sudo a2enmod headers | sudo service apache2 restart

At this stage, you have completed successful installation of Apache.

MySQL Setup

We have used MySQL database for Spurtcommerce. Thus, you have to install MySQL database

Follow these steps to install MySQL

sudo apt install mysql-server

At this stage, MySQL server would have successfully installed. Now, as the next step, you have to create a password for the default root user. With the following command, you can create the password.

sudo mysql

Set MySQL password using following commands

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'your-password'

Following that, exit the MySQL shell


Imagemagick Installation

For all the image manipulation in Spurtcommerce, we have used Imagemagick. With the following commands, you can install Imagemagick.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install imagemagick

Install process manager for Node.js

The process manager will help you manage and keep your application online. Whenever the server stops due to any error, it will automatically restart the server. you can install any one of the following process manager

Forever Installation

Click the link given below to install and configure Forever Process manager

PM2 Installation

Click the link given below to install and configure PM2 Process manager

Angular Installation

For setting up angular first you need to install Node.js in your system

For installing Node.js, use the following command:

sudo apt-get install curl
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs
node -v

Then, to Install Angular in your system, use the following command:

sudo npm install -g @angular/cli

React Installation

You need NPM for Package Management in React, which requires Node.js Installation.

Flutter installation


Go to to install flutter latest stable version according to your platform Setup the path of flutter in your system: Locate to flutter folder and go to the bin directory like this USER/HOME/flutter/bin

Linux : In ubuntu terminal go to the bash.rc file using this command sudo gedit ~/.bashrc and export the flutter path and save it.

Windows : In windows, set the path in environment variables and save it.

Mac : In the mac terminal run the following command nano ~/.zshrc and export the flutter path and save it.

Install Android SDK :

  • To install android sdk for build to test your application you must need to install android studio from once you install android studio install sdk , CLI and sdk tools from sdk manager.

  • After this step go to plugins and then search and install flutter plugin

  • After installing all the command line tools check the installed flutter version and sdk version and other details using flutter doctor.

Last updated