Deployment Using Builds

This article provides detailed instructions on how to install the build files for Spurtcommerce Backend APIs and all associated frontend panels, including the Store Panel, Vendor Panel, and Admin Panel.

Infrastructure pre-requisites:

Before diving into the installation process, ensure that your local or server environment meets the necessary infrastructure prerequisites. These include installations for Node.js, MySQL setup, Apache installation, and ImageMagick installation if you are installing Spurtcommerce build in local.

In case, if you are setting these builds in your server, please refer the complete guide here

Preliminary Step:

Clone the Git repository that contains the Spurtcommerce build from here using the “git clone” command.

$ git clone

Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where the repository has been cloned. You should see the directory by the name “multivendor-marketplace ”. This confirms that the Spurtcommerce frontend and backend builds have been successfully pulled from the GIT repository. You can now use these builds to setup Spurtcommerce Marketplace Solution in your local (or) server.

Steps to deploy Backend API build:

Step 1:

Navigate to the cloned repository directory “multivendor-marketplace” in the terminal and locate the "api" and "frontend" folders.

Step 2:

Navigate to multivendor-marketplace/api folder and Install node_modules by executing the following command

$ npm install

It will take few mins for the npm installation to get finished and once done you will see the completion notification messages in terminal.

Step 3:

Retrieve the "spurtcommerce_marketplace.sql" file from the "/api" folder and import it into your MySQL server.

Step 4:

Configure the database settings in the ".env" file located in the "/api" folder, with the name and credentials for the application to connect to your database (imported from spurtcommerce_marketplace.sql)

Database Configuration

we are using MySQL database, we need to configure database credentials in the .env file

TYPEORM_USERNAME= "testuser"             #--Your MySql Username
TYPEORM_PASSWORD= "spurt123&"		#--Your MySql Password 
TYPEORM_DATABASE= "spurt_commerce"	#--Your Database Name
TYPEORM_LOGGING=["query", "error"]

Step 5:

Optionally, you could modify certain additional parameters to point to your own configurations such as (a) send/receive emails (2) AWS S3 storage bucket etc.

Please use the guidelines mentioned here

Step 6:

In terminal, Navigate to multivendor-marketplace/api folder and Start API execution using the following command:

$ node dist/src/app.js

Above steps concludes successful installation and setup of Spurtcommerce backend api build.

Steps to deploy front end build:

Step 1:

Navigate to "/var/www/html" (assuming Apache installation has created this directory) from your home directory in your local or server

Step 2:

1. Copy the "vendor" and "admin" folders as-is directly from "multivendor-marketplace/frontend/" to "/var/www/html/".

2. Copy all folders & files of “store” folder from multivendor-marketplace/frontend/ folder and paste it directly into /var/www/html/

Completion of above steps should successfully setup frontend builds of all 3 panels of Spurtcommerce Marketplace solution such as Store Panel, Vendor Panel and Admin Panel.

Verify the directory structure in "/var/www/html/" for a successful setup.

Launch Spurtcommerce in your local (or) server:

Check that the Spurtcommerce marketplace application is ready to use from http://{your-domian or IP}:{your-port} (or) http://localhost:3000/

Vendor Panel can be accessed by http://{your-domian or IP}:{your-port}/vendor/#/auth/login and Admin panel be accessed by http://{your-domian or IP}:{your-port}/admin/#/auth/login

Admin panel - Default credentials:


password: Piccosoft2012

Above steps concludes successful installation and setup of Spurtcommerce Marketplace solution build in your local (or) server.

Last updated