Manage Products
Last updated
Last updated
Retrieves a list of products associated with sellers.
Number of products to return per page.
Pagination offset for product retrieval.
Include total count (0 = no, 1 = yes).
Bearer token for authentication.
Approves or rejects a product based on provided parameters.
Product ID to approve or reject.
Bearer token for authentication.
Product ID being processed.
Approval status (e.g., '1' for approved, '2' for rejected).
Reason for rejection, if applicable.
Updates the status of a vendor product.
Product ID for which the status is to be updated.
Bearer token for authentication.
New status of the product (0 for inactive, 1 for active).
ID of the product being updated.
Generates an Excel list for the provided product ID.
Product ID for which the Excel list will be generated.
Bearer token for authentication.
Product ID as a string input.
Fetch a list of common catalog products with pagination and filtering options.
Number of products to retrieve per page.
Number of products to skip before starting to fetch the results.
Flag to include total product count (1 for yes, 0 for no).
Filter products by owner ID.
Bearer token for authentication.
Update a product to mark it as common.
The ID of the product to be updated.
Bearer token for authentication.
Flag to set product as common (1 for common, 0 for not common)