Product List
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Creates a new product or updates an existing product in the vendor's catalog.
Name of the product (max 255 characters)
Detailed description of the product
Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) (max 64 characters)
Universal Product Code
Harmonized System Nomenclature
URL-friendly identifier for the product
Available stock quantity
URL or path to the product image
Price of the product
Location of the product
Status indicating if the product is out of stock
Flag indicating if shipping is required
Date when the product is available
Sorting order of the product (max 4 digits)
Flag indicating the default image
Comma-separated list of related product IDs
Packing cost of the product
Shipping cost of the product
Tax applied to the product
Type of tax applied to the product
Other charges applied to the product
Highlights of the product
Flag indicating if tiered pricing is available
Width of the product
Height of the product
Status of the product (e.g., active or inactive)
Weight of the product
Length of the product
File name for the product
Container name for storing product data
Array of category IDs
Discounts applied to the product
Special attributes for the product
Tiered pricing for the product
Retrieves details of a specific product by its ID.
The ID of the product to retrieve details for
Deletes a product by its ID.
The ID of the product to delete
Category IDs to filter the specification list
The ID of the product for which SEO needs to be created
SEO meta title for the product
SEO meta description for the product
SEO meta keywords for the product
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This endpoint allows you to save product specifications for a given product.
The ID of the product for which the specifications are being set
Product specifications as a JSON string
Updates the attribute keyword for the specified product based on the attribute slug.
The ID of the product for which the attribute keyword needs to be updated