Product Detail Page
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Last updated
This endpoint retrieves detailed information about a specific product using its product code.
The product code for which details are to be fetched.
Optional Bearer token for authentication.
The industry of the user.
The unique key for the request.
The language key for the request.
This endpoint retrieves a list of products related to the product specified by the product ID.
The product ID for which related products are to be fetched.
Optional Bearer token for authentication.
The industry of the user.
The unique key for the request.
The language key for the request.
This endpoint retrieves a list of common products based on the product ID.
The product ID for which common products are to be fetched.
Optional Bearer token for authentication.
The industry of the user.
The unique key for the request.
The language key for the request.
This endpoint retrieves product attributes (specifications) based on a list of category IDs.
A comma-separated list of category IDs for which to retrieve the product attributes (specifications).
Optional Bearer token for authentication.
The industry of the user.
The unique key for the request.
The language key for the request.
This endpoint retrieves the rating count for a specific product using its product ID.
The ID of the product for which the rating count is being requested.
This endpoint retrieves the vendor count for a specific product using its product ID.
The ID of the product for which the vendor count is being requested.
This endpoint retrieves the list of available abuse reasons.
Optional Bearer token for authentication.
The industry of the user.
The unique key for the request.
The language key for the request.
Fetches a video preview from an S3 bucket by specifying the video file's name and path.
The name of the video file for preview. Example: 'Mood _ a 30-second 2D animation.mp4'.
The path in the S3 bucket where the video is stored. Example: 'video'.
Optional Bearer token for authentication.
The industry of the user.
The unique key for the request.
The language key for the request.