User and Permission
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Fetches a list of all roles with optional pagination and filtering.
The number of results to return per page.
The number of records to skip before starting to return results.
Indicates whether to count the total number of records available.
Bearer token for authentication.
Creates a new role with a name and status.
Bearer token for authentication.
Updates the role details (name and status) for a given roleId.
ID of the role to update
Bearer token for authentication.
Retrieves a list of permission modules with pagination and filtering options.
The number of permission modules to retrieve per request
The offset to retrieve the list from
Search keyword to filter the permission modules
Flag to include count in the response
Filter permission modules by status
Bearer token for authentication.
Retrieves a list of permissions for a specific reference type and ID.
The reference type (e.g., 1 for a specific object)
The reference ID to fetch permissions for
Bearer token for authentication.
Adds a list of permissions for a specific reference type and ID.
Bearer token for authentication.
Deletes the role identified by the provided role ID.
ID of the role to delete
Bearer token for authentication.
Retrieves a list of users based on the provided parameters like limit, offset, and status.
Limit of users per request
Offset to start fetching the list
Whether to count the total number of users
Filter users based on their status
Bearer token for authentication.
Creates a new user in the system with the provided user details.
Bearer token for authentication.
The user's first name
The user's last name
The user's email address
The ID of the user's group
The user's username
The user's password
Updates an existing user in the system with the provided user details.
ID of the user to be updated
Bearer token for authentication.
The user's first name
The user's last name
The user's email address
The ID of the user's group
The user's username
The user's password (hashed)
The ID of the user being updated
Deletes an existing user by user ID.
ID of the user to be deleted
Bearer token for authentication.