Last updated
Last updated
This endpoint retrieves a list of widgets available in the system.
Optional Bearer token for authentication.
The industry of the user.
The unique key for the request.
The language key for the request.
This endpoint returns a URL that redirects to the add-address
API for Google Map integration.
The name of the plugin requesting the API key.
Optional Bearer token for authentication.
The industry of the user.
The unique key for the request.
The language key for the request.
This endpoint retrieves a list of all available languages.
Number of languages to retrieve.
Starting point to retrieve languages.
Filter languages based on keyword search.
Flag to indicate if the total count of languages should be returned.
Optional Bearer token for authentication.
The industry of the user.
The unique key for the request.
The language key for the request.
This endpoint retrieves the store settings for a given industry.
Optional Bearer token for authentication.
The industry of the user.
The unique key for the request.
The language key for the request.
This endpoint retrieves the list of available addons for the system.
Optional Bearer token for authentication.
The industry of the user.
The unique key for the request.
The language key for the request.
This endpoint retrieves the list of items in the customer's cart.
Optional Bearer token for authentication.
The industry of the user.
The unique key for the request.
The language key for the request.
Optional Bearer token for authentication.
The industry of the user.
The unique key for the request.
The language key for the request.
This API allows customers to retrieve their profile information.
Optional Bearer token for authentication.
The industry of the user.
The unique key for the request.
The language key for the request.
This API allows customers to retrieve a list of products in their wishlist.
Limit the number of products returned.
Offset for pagination.
Optional Bearer token for authentication.
The industry of the user.
The unique key for the request.
The language key for the request.
Fetch a list of pages with optional filters and pagination.
Limit the number of results
Offset for pagination
Search keyword for filtering pages
If set, returns count of pages (should be number or boolean)
Optional bearer token for authentication
Language ID for content localization
Retrieve detailed information about a page using its slug name.
The slug name of the page to fetch details for
Optional bearer token for authentication
Language ID for content localization