Manage Sales
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Retrieve a list of vendor orders with optional query parameters.
The number of orders to retrieve
The number of orders to skip before starting to collect the result set
Include the count of total records (1 for true, 0 for false)
Boolean flag to filter orders
Bearer token for authentication.
Retrieve detailed information for a specific vendor order using the provided orderId
The ID of the order to retrieve details for
Bearer token for authentication.
Retrieve the order status log for a specific vendor order using the provided vendorOrderId
The ID of the vendor order to retrieve the log list for
Bearer token for authentication.
Retrieve a complete list of order statuses.
Exports the details of a specific vendor order as a PDF file using the orderId
, vendorId
, and orderPrefixId
The ID of the order to be exported
The ID of the vendor associated with the order
The prefix ID of the order, typically for identifying the order uniquely
Bearer token for authentication.
Updates the payment status for a specific order using the orderId
and paymentStatusId
Bearer token for authentication.
Retrieves the list of back orders, with options for pagination.
The number of items to return per page
The offset for pagination
A flag to count the total number of back orders
Bearer token for authentication.
Retrieves the list of failed orders, with options for pagination.
The number of items to return per page
The offset for pagination
A flag to count the total number of failed orders
Bearer token for authentication.
Retrieves the details of a specific order by its ID.
The ID of the order to retrieve details for
Bearer token for authentication.
This API updates the main order's payment status and related details.
Bearer token for authentication.
Retrieves a list of payments based on optional filters such as customer name, keyword, and date range.
The number of results to return
The offset from which to start retrieving the results
Whether to return the total count of items (0 or 1)
The name of the customer to filter the payments by
A keyword to filter the payments by (e.g., order ID, payment reference)
The start date for filtering payments
The end date for filtering payments
Bearer token for authentication.
Retrieves the list of live carts or the count based on the provided filters.
The number of results to return
The offset from which to start retrieving the results
Whether to return the total count of items (0 or 1)
The type of cart (e.g., 'live')
Bearer token for authentication.
Retrieves the details of a specific cart by ID.
The ID of the cart to retrieve
The type of cart (e.g., 'live')
Bearer token for authentication.
Sends an email notification to the customer regarding their abandoned cart.
Bearer token for authentication.
The ID of the abandoned cart
The custom message to be sent with the email
Exports the cart details for a given customer.
Bearer token for authentication.
The ID of the customer whose cart needs to be exported.
Deletes abandoned cart entries for specific customers based on customerId
and guestIp
The action to be performed (e.g., delete).
Comma-separated list of customer IDs for whom the abandoned cart details should be deleted.
Comma-separated list of guest IP addresses for whom the abandoned cart details should be deleted.
Bearer token for authentication.